Let’s talk about a taboo and uncomfortable topic. The outgoing client.

Even the best firms experience clients leaving for various reasons. A miscommunication, bad timing, or that weird relative that offers to handle their “planning” for free.

However, it’s important to recognize that these departing clients can still be valuable assets for future engagement, or referrals.  You don’t want to right them off, especially if they are an ideal fit client that just got away.

Here are three things you can do to foster a relationship that could potentially turn today’s negative into a future positive.

Send a Thoughtful Thank-You Letter

It’s a great idea to express gratitude to clients who have chosen to move on.

By sending a personalized letter, you can thank them for their past business, highlight the positive aspects of your previous partnership, and let them know they are always welcome back. This gesture not only maintains a positive relationship but also keeps the door open for future collaboration with them or others they may think are a good fit.

Maintain Communication

Unless specifically requested otherwise, it’s essential to keep former clients on your general email and contact lists. By doing so, you can continue to provide them with valuable content, updates, and touchpoints, especially if it doesn’t cost you anything more than an email. This ongoing communication ensures that your brand remains on their radar, increasing the chances of re-engagement in the future.

Treat Them Like They Never Left

When interacting with former clients in the community, it’s crucial to maintain a positive and professional approach. By treating them with the same level of respect and attention as current clients, you demonstrate your commitment to their financial well-being. This approach fosters goodwill and leaves the door open for potential future collaborations.


So as difficult as the concept and practice can sometimes be, marketing efforts should not cease when a client leaves. By implementing these strategies, you can build bridges and maintain valuable connections that may lead to future opportunities.